Saturday, 1 December 2012

Hawkeye's Story

No friendship between humans is ever stronger than the unconditional bond between a dog and its owner. When you come home we greet you with unbridled and unconditional enthusiasm. When you rest we rest, when you grieve, we grieve with you or we grieve for you. We have no words to share we only have actions to show.

The dog of slain Petty Officer Jon Tumilson refused to leave his side during the Navy SEAL’s funeral in Rockford, Iowa. The heartbreaking photo taken by his cousin, Lisa Pembleton, shows Tumilson’s dog Hawkeye lying by the casket. U.S. Navy Petty Officer 1st Class Jon T. Tumilson was among the 30 American troops killed when Taliban insurgents downed their Chinook helicopter with a rocket-propelled grenade. 

At his funeral in Iowa, his dog Hawkeye paid his last respects by walking up to the casket, laying down in front of it, and heaving a sigh. Pembleton wrote on Facebook that Hawkeye was Tumilson’s loyal pet who wouldn't leave his master’s side during the funeral in Rockford, Iowa.

Lisa Pembleton wrote.“I felt compelled to take one photo to share with family members that couldn't make it or couldn't see what I could from the aisle.” 

Today we Salute Hawkeye, friend and companion.

Yip Yap!

Poppy and Abbie

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