Well, the media storm around my win of the Animal X Factor has started to abate. I have been doing all the usual media meets as well as posing for the usual celebrity pictures. Plenty of the red carpet treatment seems to be quite fitting for my new found super star status. It is a daunting task, but that's the life of a celebrity and someone has it to do.
In keeping with my new found celebrity status. I expect in the near future to be bringing out my own brand of dog accessories such as Poppy poop bags. Soon you will be able to enjoy the aroma of Poppy's own brand of canine perfume. I will also be bringing out my own celebrity "fight the fat" keep fit video. However, I want to use my celebrity status for more than the simple "peddle of a product". I want to create a customized brand of canine clothes featuring sparkly fabrics and glittery charms hanging on designer lashes. I owe it to my public.

I have been given some information about a job opening for a celebrity UNICEF spokesdog. The requirements are based around promoting responsible human pet ownership, their health and finding the right human to adopt. I can see me enjoying my work as a celebrity UNICEF ambassador. Us celebrities have a wide range of talents dedicated to improving the lives of children and their pets worldwide.
UNICEF was the first to enlist the help of celebrities. Danny Kaye pioneered the role of Ambassador-at-Large in 1954.
It was taken on by Audrey Hepburn and others, building up into the current distinguished roster of international, regional and national goodwill ambassadors.
It was taken on by Audrey Hepburn and others, building up into the current distinguished roster of international, regional and national goodwill ambassadors.
Must run, my public are waiting!
XX Love Poppy.
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